Our Resource Hub is full of free information and advice for both parents and professionals to support speech development in children and young people. If you have any suggestions on information you would like to see included on the hub, please do get in touch.
Click here to download a template for a 3 step task planner.
Click here to download a template for a 4 step task planner.
A video by the ‘Center on the Developing Child’ at Harvard University, U.S. Advice on developing strong brain connections and supporting language development.
A booklet of activities to support attention and engagement. Based upon principles of the Attention Autism Approach.
Strategies to support children growing up with Developmental Language Disorder.
October is AAC awareness month, so to celebrate we are sharing 31 tips for 31 days.
The Ace Centre offer a range of low-tech resources to support communication across a range of activities and environments.
Bookable sessions are available in our local libraries for under-fives to support: Language Communication Social Skills
The ADHD Foundation offer a range of resources to support with the understanding of ADHD.
A video by Alexander Amelines discussing Autism and what it means to them.
DLD is a significant difficulty learning, understanding, and using spoken language. Read this fact sheet to find out key information, causes, outcomes and services available.
A resource produced by ASAN (Autistic Self Advocacy Network) This book is about what it means to be a part of the autistic community. Autistic people wrote this book. Some autistic…
Click here to download asking for help visuals.
An outcomes and goal monitoring sheet for the Attention Builders targeted intervention group.
Communication can take many different forms. This video introduces methods of AAC for use with children at home and in school.
Communication takes many different forms. This booklet has been designed to give ways for adults to support children to use AAC.
An information leaflet on Autism and bilingualism, Please see website for further information.
A useful website providing information on Autism and bilingualism, Please see website for video to explain more.
Autism Awareness? Autism Appreciation? Autism Acceptance? None of these are a particularly high bar, but it is true that some people do, indeed, need real awareness while others need a…
An information leaflet explaining the Biborough School Aged Stammering Service.
An information video providing information about blank levels of questioning.
An information video providing information about blank levels of questioning, translated into Arabic.
An outcomes and goal monitoring sheet for the Box Clever targeted intervention.
A website giving information on: New-Borns Their Development Ways New-Borns Communicate
This is a questionnaire to identify areas of difficulty and provide supportive strategies to support language and communication development.
A Targeted Lego Based Therapy Intervention Group designed to support the development of language and problem solving skills.
We aim to increase awareness, understanding and knowledge of the needs of people who struggle to communicate.
Posters with advice to support communication development. Posters are available in 10 languages including: Arabic Somali Kurdish Polish Urdu
Comprehension Builders is a targeted intervention designed to help children to develop their understanding of instructions increasing in length and complexity.
An outcomes and goal monitoring sheet for the comprehension monitoring targeted intervention.
A Targeted Intervention Group designed to support conversational skill awareness and development.
An outcomes and goal monitoring sheet for the Conversation Builders targeted intervention group.
Darcie’s story – a video about Developmental Language Disorder (DLD)
Click here to download a template for a descriptive language grid.
An information video about how developmental language disorder can impact children / young people’s mental health. With additional information on how to support them.
A video where Eddie and Dyls (9 years old) find out about Developmental Language Disorder (DLD).
An interactive toolkit to further explain what is DLD, the impact of it, examples, strategies and resources.
An information leaflet designed to answer questions and provide some helpful suggestions for children who dribble.
The Down’s Syndrome Association support and walk along life’s journey with both old and young people living with Down’s Syndrome.
Information from ‘The National Literacy Trust’ including: – How using a dummy might effect your child’s communication – Tips on how to get rid of a dummy
A resource created by CLCH SLT service to give parents / carers of younger children ideas to support talking and fluency at home.
A video explaining: Speech and Language Milestones from 6 months to 4 years The CLCH Speech and Language Therapy Monitoring Tool
A Targeted Intervention Group to support the understanding of basic emotional vocabulary. Children will learn what emotions might look like and when they may be felt.
An outcomes and goal monitoring sheet for the Emotional Language Builders targeted intervention group.
A booklet developed by local providers with a range of strategies to support emotional regulation for pre-school and non-verbal children.
A booklet developed by local providers with a range of strategies to support emotional regulation for school-aged and verbal children.
Find attached an audit for EYFS classrooms to ensure that they are Communication Supportive Environments.
Frequently Asked Questions to support the use of Alternative and Augmentative Communication.
Games and Activities to support and promote attention and listening skills in children.
An parent advice sheet on Glue Ear and Communication.
An information guide on barrier games and ideas for games.
Information and guidance on how to promote independence when using alternative and augmentative communication.
An information guide on creating Lego models.
Activities and Top Tips to support and promote opportunities to develop children’s communication.
An information guide on how to develop independence and organisation.
Activities and Top Tips on how to differentiate classroom learning tasks for those with difficulty understand and/or using their language.
Activities and Top Tips on how to differentiate or adapt worksheets and written learning tasks for those with SLCN.
An article with information on how to get your child to talk about their day at school.
An information guide on intensive interaction.
An information guide on intensive interaction at school.
Information, Activities and Top Tips to support and promote the use of language / talking.
An information guide on how to model language using core vocabulary.
An information guide on how to model using a core board.
Information and Top Tips on how to create one page profiles.
An information guide on how to play barrier games.
Top Tips to support and promote opportunities to support children’s attention and listening skills.
Information on how to support phonological awareness.
Information on how to support and promote sequencing skills.
Activities and Top Tips to support and promote the use of language / talking.
Top tips on the Do’s and Do Not’s of supporting children who stammer.
Top Tips to support and promote opportunities to support children’s understanding of language.
An information guide on how to support word finding difficulties.
A resource created by CLCH SLT service with tips and activities to help parents with their child’s pronunciation at home.
A user guide on how to teach new vocabulary for children who require additional pre-teaching to support their language acquisition.
Information on how to teach speech sounds.
An information guide on how to use a daily schedule.
An information guide on how to use a mini task schedule.
An information guide on how to use a Now and Next Board.
Information on how to use a story planner.
Top Tips to support turn-taking development for children who have difficulties, waiting, sharing and taking turns.
Information on how to use a visual timetable in school or at home.
Information on how to use AAC to model language.
Information on how to use asking for help visuals.
An information guide on how to use asking for help visuals.
An information guide on how to use balloons to support communication.
Examples of questions that could be asked at the different Blanks Levels of Questions within a Science lesson to support children and young people’s varying levels of understanding.
Examples of questions that could be asked at the different Blanks Levels of Questions when in the playground to support children and young people’s varying levels of understanding.
Examples of questions that could be asked at the different Blanks Levels of Questions when reading to support children and young people’s varying levels of understanding.
Activities and Top Tips on how to use books to support understanding and promote the use of language / talking.
An information guide on how to use bubbles to support communication.
An information guide on how to use colouring to support communication.
Activities and Top Tips on how to use cooking to support understanding and promote the use of language / talking.
Activities and Top Tips on how to use games to support understanding and promote the use of language / talking.
An information guide on how to use games to support word finding difficulties.
Activities and Top Tips on how to use gardening to support understanding and promote the use of language / talking.
An information guide on how to use objects of reference.
An information guide on how to use physical organisation.
A video describing The CLCH Early Years Speech, Language and Communication Monitoring Tool Ways to support children with English as an additional language (EAL).
Information on how to use visuals to support communication.
Simple, fun activities for the Early Years (from newborns to five year olds). A UK government campaign that supports child development through the role of play.
Resources for Parents provided by a UK charity supporting children’s speech, language and communication.
Resources for Professionals provided by a UK charity supporting children’s speech, language and communication.
A range of Resources from ICAN to help Educators support students with Developmental Language Disorder in the classroom.
An information guide on ideas to model core boards.
A video designed to support school staff in identifying children with SLCN in the classroom.
An information video providing strategies to increase communication opportunities at home.
An information video providing strategies to increase communication opportunities at home. Translated into Arabic.
Tutorial Videos to support you with using InPrint 3 to create resources.
Information and resources as part of a global initiative to improve the lives of people living with eating and drinking difficulties – also known as dysphagia.
An information video DLD, with practical strategies to support children with DLD in school.
An information video designed for staff new to working with children with SLCN. Learn about: How language develops How to identify children with SLCN Basic strategies to support SLCN
An information video providing an introduction to understanding and using the Zones of Regulation.
An information leaflet from ICAN – the children’s communication charity, explaining links between language skills and mental health. Additional web links to mental health charities for young people are also…
An outcomes and goal monitoring sheet for the Lego Based Therapy targeted intervention group.
Lego Therapy is a structured approach which uses Lego as a foundation for social communication practice.
A training video providing information on how to run Lego Therapy Groups.
Watch Lily, a young woman with Developmental Language Disorder (DLD) explain what it is like to live with this condition.
Makaton is a method of communication using symbols and signs for all ages and abilities. Watch this video with Mr Tumble to learn more about the benefits of Makaton.
Makaton is a method of communication using symbols and signs. The Makaton charity provides a whole library of free resources.
An information video explaining how to model language when using AAC.
An information video to providing information on modelling AAC.
A TED talk video by Molly Wright discussing how every child can thrive by five.
A website with information on supporting Children and Young People with Developmental Language Disorder: A Toolkit For Practitioners.
A Targeted Intervention Group to support the understanding and development of narrative components and the information to include.
An outcomes and goal monitoring sheet for the Narrative Builders targeted intervention group.
The UK’s leading charity for people on the autism spectrum and their families.
A useful website that provides information on neurodiversity.
Click here for a template for a news sharing visual prompt.
Click here to download a template for a now and next board.
Click here to download a template for a now next and then board.
A template to help you create a one page profile, suitable for children and young people from Key Stage 3 and up.
Information and Advice from The Bi-Borough Occupational Therapy service on managing self-injurious and challenging behaviour.
Information on how to obtain training on how to support children and young people with dysphagia from 4-18.
Advice on how to support younger children’s communication during every day activities at home, created by the CLCH SLT Service.
A free programme and resources for pre-teaching vocabulary
Find attached an audit for Primary school classrooms to ensure that they are Communication Supportive Environments.
This website provides a range of information and resources to support Developmental Language Disorder (DLD).
Within the Bi-borough SCERTS® is advocated as our preferred model of intervention for emotional regulation.
Find attached an audit for Secondary school classrooms to ensure they are Communication Supportive Environments.
A Targeted Intervention Group designed to support the transition to secondary.
A team who have knowledge of selective mutism, whether as parents, professionals or from their own personal experience.
A Targeted Intervention Group designed to support the understanding and development of sentences.
An outcomes and goal monitoring sheet for the Sentence Builders targeted intervention group.
Here are a range of sentence strips using colourful semantics for use in the classroom to develop a range of sentence structures.
A training video providing information on how to use social behaviour mapping to support social understanding.
A resource to support social communication skills in the nursery setting at the ‘Conversation Partner’ Level, created by CLCH SLT.
SLT service to support social communication skills in the nursery setting at the ‘Language Partner’ Level.
A resource to support social communication skills in the nursery setting at the ‘Social Partner’ Level, created by CLCH SLT.
A resource created by CLCH SLT service with suggestions about supporting early social communication.
Speech and Language UK offer a range of information, links and videos on TalkBoost Key Stage 1.
Speech and Language UK offer a range of information, links and videos on TalkBoost Key Stage 2.
A video to further explain The Whole Systems Approach.
Learn ways to support your younger child’s production of clear speech sounds by helping them tune into your speech. A resource created by CLCH Speech & Language Therapy service.
An official UK charity website offering information, support and advice for people who stammer, and their family and friends.
Advice and a helpline for parents who have concerns with their pre-school child who stammers.
A resource created by CLCH SLT service with advice and tips for a pre-school child who stammers.
Refresh your knowledge about how to create your own story to support students’ social understanding.
An information guide on how to make revision notes.
An information guide on how to support organisation when studying.
An information guide on how to interpret information when studying.
An information guide on strategies to support memory when studying.
An information guide on strategies for writing when studying.
An information guide on how to support wellbeing when studying.
An information guide on how to understand key vocabulary when studying.
An information guide on how to use the SQ3R method when studying.
A video providing: Practical ways to support communication Information on using visual supports
Information on supporting social communication skills at home.
A guide for every teacher on supporting children and young people with Developmental Language Disorder (DLD) in mainstream schools
Information on supporting your child’s communication at home.
Information on supporting your child’s language development at home (Combiner level).
Information on supporting your child’s pronunciation at home.
Information on supporting your child’s social communication at home (conversation partner level).
information on supporting your child’s social communication at home.
Information on supporting your child’s talking at home.
Information on supporting your child’s understanding and talking at home (First word user pack).
Information on supporting your child’s use of Makaton signs at home.
A flyer explaining the Lighthouse resource base. Click here for further information.
Please see leaflet attached for information and contact details for the Lighthouse Resource Base at Pimlico Primary.
Thinking and Talking focus on supporting speech, language and communication in the classroom. Use this link to purchase the following programmes: Word Aware Language for Thinking Language for Behaviour and…
The thinking talking website focuses on providing information on a variety of different resources that supports children’s development of speech, language and communication. You can find information, resources and trainings…
Learn more about DLD from Ellen who said- “The aim of my website is to educate the educators on the hidden disability that no one has heard of – DLD”
Videos produced by The Communication Trust demonstrating what interaction looks like to children. Top tips to support interaction and communication skills with children.
A BBC hub with activities, articles and videos with helpful tips and activities to develop children’s communication skills at home.
An article including tips for asking about your child’s day at school.
Information and booking system for various training opportunities for professionals working within the education setting.
A getting ready for school information pack on Language Difficulties for families of children moving from Nursery to Reception.
A getting ready for school information pack on Social Communication Difficulties for families of children moving from Nursery to Reception.
Information about the ages and stages of language and communication development during the first five years of life. Written by ‘The Communication Trust’
An information video providing strategies to use a story planner.
An information video providing strategies to support children’s vocabulary/language development at home.
An information video providing strategies to support the use of colour coding to support sentence structure.
An outcomes and goal monitoring sheet for the Using Visualisation to support understanding targeted intervention.
An information video providing strategies on using visuals to support children’s language skills at home. Translated into Arabic.
A training video providing strategies to support children’s vocabulary development in schools.
Information to help parents build their baby’s brain, right from birth. Sign up here – for weekly tips!
A useful website full of tips to help parents do more when sharing moments with their child (e.g. learning to mealtime, bath time, bedtime, or anytime)
A video to support the implementation of the Well Com Toolkit in Early Years settings.
An information guide on what are barrier games.
Information on: What are Blanks Level 1 Questions? Examples of Blanks Level 1 Questions How to adapt our language and the level of understanding to support answering of Blanks Level…
Information on: What are Blanks Level 2 Questions? Examples of Blanks Level 2 Questions How to adapt our language and the level of understanding to support answering of Blanks Level…
Information on: What are Blanks Level 3 Questions? Examples of Blanks Level 3 Questions How to adapt our language and the level of understanding to support answering of Blanks Level…
Information on: What are Blanks Level 4 Questions? Examples of Blanks Level 4 Questions How to adapt our language and the level of understanding to support answering of Blanks Level…
Information on: What are Blanks Levels of Questions? When to use Blanks Levels of Questions to adapt our language and the level of understanding.
An information guide on word finding difficulties.
An information video with information for Early Years Settings on: What Social Communication Is Why Social Communication is Important Social Communication Development
Information on what a communication passport is and tips on how to make one.
Information on: Why is turn-taking important? What is a turn-taking board? Supporting turn-taking development.
An information guide on what is Attention Building?
An information guide on what is comprehension building.
An information guide on what is comprehension monitoring?
An information guide on what is Emotional Language Building.
An information guide on what is Language for Behaviour and Emotions.
An information guide on what is Language for Thinking?
An information guide on what is Lego Based Therapy.
An information guide on what is Narrative Builders.
An information guide on what is Objects of Reference.
An information guide on what is secondary transitions.
An information guide on what is Sentence Builders.
An information guide on what is the Whole Systems Approach.
An information guide on what is Using Visualisation to support Understanding.
Information on the different reasons we might communicate with others.
An information video about the links between DLD and mental health difficulties.
Find here a range of resources with symbols to support access to lessons and activities in the classroom.
An outcomes and goal monitoring sheet for the Word Aware targeted intervention.
A National Literacy Trust website providing activities and support to improve language, literacy and communication skills from home.