
There is an extensive free service offer to support a child (under the age of 5 years) in your care with speech, language and communication needs before entering the school system. Support can be accessed from early years institutions, specialist services and there are also resources and training for parents and professionals to help support children’s development. Click on the links to find out more.


Universal Support Offer

Children’s Centre / Family Hub Offer

Drop in groups available in Children’s Centres that can support with SLCN in Westminster and RBKC.


Early Years

Wide ranging offer from local providers who have training and support

3 and 4 year old offer is free for all CYP



Bi-Borough Communication Hub

CLCH Web Resources

Local Offer

Family Information Service

Bi-B Inclusion service website

Whole Systems Approach infographic and presentation.

Community Health

Health visiting and Community Nursery



Libraries offer a range of resources to support reading

Parent Champions (in development)



Targeted Support Offer

Parent Child +

Home based programme focusing on 1:1 work with parents


Special Educational Needs (SEN) and Early Years Advisors

Advice for all Early Years settings on adapted learning and additional support that is available


Children’s Centre Groups

Targeted Groups, with SLT support in CCs in Westminster and RBKC.

Bi-borough Inclusion Service

Range of support for schools and setting on adapted learning from Specialist Teacher for SLCN and Autism Advisory Service


Targeted Groups with Short Breaks Service for CYP with SCD (in development)



Specialist Support Offer

Speech and Language Therapy

Specialist support, usually in clinic, for CYP with high levels of need.


Bi Borough Short Breaks Service

Support for parents and carers of CYP with profound disabilities.


Bi Borough Inclusion Service

Advisory Service can provide support