
Use the pathway below to navigate through the Bi-Borough School Aged Speech, Language and Communication Local Offer. Support is provided through Central London Community Healthcare (CLCH) NHS Trust and the Bi-Borough Inclusion Service.


This pathway works at a universal, targeted and specialist level, providing training and guidance to professionals and parents at all levels to identify and meet the needs of school aged children. Please follow the links to view our Whole Systems Approach services infographic and presentation.



Concerns about a child/young person’s (CYP) Speech, Language, and Communication skills are identified

Concerns with Dysfluency (stammering) / Speech/ Eating / Drinking / Swallowing difficulties are identified


A Communication Supportive Environment checklist is completed to ensure whole class strategies are consistently in place.

Progress then monitored over a half term.


If concerns remain, CYP is screened using a recommended tool i.e. communication trust progression tool (PT)



No concerns / green PT

Mixed colour profile on PT

Red on all sections of PT

Whole class strategies
Training available from CLCH and Bi-Borough inclusion service.


CYP attends a staff led intervention and/or staff access specific in class strategies.

Training support is available for professionals and parents from CLCH and Bi-Borough inclusion service.

Progress then monitored for 2 terms. 

If concerns remain, referral to SLT



Staff can manage needs without further SLT


Needs can be met at a targeted level of support


SLT Led Intervention with staff carryover


CYP’s SLC skills are age appropriate


Needs best met by other professional


Once accepted, an SLT assessment is carried out and recommendations are given